


The flow chart that indicates steps of the game and how it should be played.

Core Loop


The core loop of our game is the process of solving the puzzles. When players encountered a puzzle, a character dialogue would appear and providing hints for players. Afterwards, players could start interacting with the puzzle and tried to figure out a way to solve it. Players could continue moving forward after solving a puzzle which made them one step closer to Popo’s home. By giving players an explicit goal to strive for, it motivated them to finish the game and solve the various puzzles throughout the different levels.

Overview Map


Our game is consisted of three game play maps and one ending map. Throughout the game, Popo will encounter park, waste yard, alley and home. When the game starts, Popo finds itself alone in an unfamiliar park. It has no ideas where its owner goes. However, by smelling, Popo is able to sense the direction and made its way home.

Obstacle Decision Maps


Since we were designing a puzzle game, we wanted to focus on the hints that we provided in the game and making sure they were logical for players to understand and follow. This obstacle decision map illustrates the process of a player analyzing the hints providing from the character dialogue and the game map to solve the puzzles. A character dialogue appears when players encounter a puzzle. The dialogue box provides players useful hints or suggestions on how to solve the current puzzle. The important keywords in the dialogue box are also highlighted in red to gain more attentions from players. When players understand the hints, they can use the hint to help them with solving the puzzle.


What I've learned


I have learned how to be a better communicater in between team on distributing work and resolving team conflicts among members. As project game programmer/UX designer, I learned how to utilize unity and took advantage of UX data to optimize users' game playing experience.



Johnny Wu

UI Designer


Joey Kuei

Interaction Designer


Marcus Su

Media Content