I’m Joey, a Product Designer at Wongdoody
 that enjoys creating intuitive human driven
experiences with technology. 

#E-commerce #SaaS #Cloud #IoT #DesignSystem

I’m Joey, a Product Designer at Wongdoody

Check what I've been up to

Design Projects

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"Da" Unicorn

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Portfolio Item

About Me

Joey is dynamic and passionate in building user engaging solutions. With years of various working experience across areas from IoT, E-commerce, SaSS and finance, he has successfully delivered multiple web/mobile UX solutions with B2B and B2C approach. He is a fast learner with abilities to innovate and generate low to high fidelity prototypes with tools such as Axure/Sketch/Unity/Android/Swift/Adobe Suites. He truly believes that by knowing users’ needs, and carrying with empathy, we as UX/interaction designers could better help users overcome their everyday struggles.

My Versatility


Perform user-center design concept on flows, wireframing, mockups, and prototypes with skills in Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Zeplin and scrum development via jira.


Familiar with prototyping tools such as Adobe Suites, Flinto, Axure to build engaging low to high fidelity design and prototypes.


Experienced with Android Studio, Arduino, Xcode, PHP, HTML/CSS, Unity for product demonstration.